Cardiff High School - Prospectus 2023 / 2024

Useful Contacts Achievement Leaders Y7 Mrs. L. Waters ( Y8 Mrs. L. Waters ( / Mrs. K. Price ( Y9 Mrs. L. Jenkins ( Y10 Miss N. Warren ( Y11 Mr. D. Rhodes ( / Mrs. R James ( Y12 & Y13 Mr. M. Olsen ( Heads of School Lower School Mrs. L. Richards ( Middle School Mr. D. Rhodes ( Upper School Mrs. K. Dilks ( Deputy Headteacher - Wellbeing & Achievement Mrs. A. Yarrow ( Assistant Headteacher – Wellbeing & Achievement Mrs. M. Bennett ( Headteacher’s Personal Assistant Mrs. H. Jones ( Telephone: 029 2075 7741 Website: Address: Cardiff High School Llandennis Road Cyncoed Cardiff CF23 6WG Follow CHS and also individual departments and groups on twitter Search for @officialCHS ParentPay & Text Alerts Sign up for ParentPay to get updates of important school information, details about school events and to make payments. Please email Miss. N. O’Neil for further advice:

Welcome Welcome I am delighted that you have chosen Cardiff High School for the next stage of your child’s education, and I am looking forward to working closely with you over the coming months and years. In the 2019 Estyn report, it was noted that Cardiff High is an “exceptional school”. Pupils’ achievements have been amongst the highest in Wales over recent years. The report stated that “Pupils respond extremely positively to the inspirational teaching and high levels of challenge.” It goes on to say that “High quality teaching, care, support and guidance combine effectively to enable pupils to become confident, capable and ambitious learners.” However, we remain aspirational and I can assure you that during your child’s time in Cardiff High, we will continue to strive for further improvement in all areas of school life. The part parents play in the life of Cardiff High is greatly valued and appreciated, and I very much hope the school will give your child a happy school career and a successful introduction to adult life. Stephen Jones Headteacher

Contents School Leadership Team School Organisation Term Dates, Inset Days and School Times Uniform General Information & School Rules including:- • Emergency Contacts • The Library • Safety, Appearance & Behaviour • Online Learning • Detention • Homework • Absence & Punctuality • Personal Property • Medical Issues • Spontaneous Visits • Counselling Service • Out of Hours Activities • Lunchtime Arrangements • Fire Safety Conduct Expectations Rewards & Consequences The Restorative Approach Parents’ Meetings Policy Outline Information including • Admissions • Equal Opportunities • Child Protection • Disability Access • Charges for School Activities • Careers • Sex & Relationships Education • Public Examinations • Religious Education • Complaints Procedures • Welsh • Behaviour Policy • Learning Support Curriculum Information Staff Lists Attendance Figures & Destinations KS4 & KS5 Exam Results Summary KS3 Comparative Levels Report

School Organisation Pastoral teams, curriculum leaders and subject staff all work in collaboration to support pupils to achieve their very best. Learning and Teaching The school is divided into departments, each with its own curriculum leader. Curriculum Leaders Curriculum Leaders are responsible for leading and managing the teaching in their areas of responsibility throughout the school and produce schemes of work for all age groups. They are responsible for: • standards in the subject and quality assurance • departmental organisation • assessment and monitoring • financial management of the departmental budget • management of departmental staff • monitoring the conduct of pupils Pastoral Care, Wellbeing and Achievement Cardiff High is divided into three pastoral areas. Years seven, eight and nine are collectively referred to as Key Stage 3 or Lower School. Middle School refers to years ten and eleven which is collectively called Key Stage 4. Upper School is our title for the sixth form which is also sometimes referred to as Key Stage 5. Heads of School There are three Heads of School who are responsible for the wellbeing and achievement of pupils in their Key Stage under the leadership of the Deputy Headteacher [Wellbeing & Achievement] and the Assistant Headteacher [Wellbeing & Achievement] Achievement Leaders The school is organised by year group each having their own Achievement Leader responsible for maintaining high standards of behaviour and uniform. Achievement Leaders work in collaboration with Curriculum Leaders to promote high standards of work and conduct both during and outside of lessons. Achievement Leaders monitor and support students to assist them in achieving their potential. Achievement Leaders are supported by Assistant Achievement Leaders and Student Support Officers also. Wellbeing & Achievement Officers Lower, Middle & Upper School each have a Wellbeing & Achievement Officer who will support the work of the pastoral team in a variety of ways. These include maintaining the high expectations of behaviour, uniform and attendance. The officers are non-teaching so provide an important mainstay within their key stage and, as a result, are often the first means of contact for students (or parents/carers) who have pastoral/wellbeing based questions, are experiencing a problem or require organisational support during the school day. They are an integral part of the team and work closely with the Achievement Leaders & Heads of School. Form Tutors All pupils are assigned to a form group led by a Form Tutor. Form Tutors register their classes once a day in the morning, whilst in the afternoon pupils are registered by their subject teachers. The Form Tutor plays an essential part in the smooth running of the school and in providing support and guidance for all the pupils in their form. Form Tutors are responsible, in the first instance, for addressing issues regarding conduct, uniform, cleanliness, punctuality and attendance. If necessary, these issues may be passed on to the relevant Achievement Leader and then to the Head ofSchool.

Timings of the school day 8.40am – 9.00am Registration & Tutor Period 9.00am – 10.00am Period 1 10.00am – 11.00am Period 2 11.00am – 11.25am Break 11.25am – 12.25pm Period 3 12:25pm – 1:25pm Period 4 1.20pm KS3 Dismissed for lunch 1.25pm KS4/5 Dismissed for lunch 1.25pm – 2.10pm Lunch 2.10pm – 3.10pm Period 5 3.10pm End of School day

KS3 & KS4 School Uniform The school colours are black, red and white. The stockist for Cardiff High uniform is – Y.C. Sports, Crwys Road, Cardiff. Uniform is also available to purchase online at Winter (from September to Easter) Trousers Plain black No denim or jean style trousers including pocket studs and must be worn full length. Cropped trousers are not permitted Jumper Black V neck with school crest Shirt Standard white long sleeve shirts must be worn tucked in Tie School stripe Skirt Plain black skirt – no shorter than one inch above the knee Shoes Plain black heels must not exceed two inches, platform sole, sling back shoes and boots are not permitted Hijab Plain Black or Red Socks Black or White Trainers or trainer style shoes with visible logos, coloured soles or laces NOT to be worn Blazer With school crest The blazer must be worn every day to and from lessons around the building during autumn and spring terms. Coat A coat should be worn over the blazer in bad weather and must not replace the blazer. Coats must be removed indoors Hooded tops, sweatshirts or cardigans (including Cardiff High PE hoodies) are NOT permitted to be worn – if seen these may be confiscated by a member of staff Hair • Tramlines or patterns cut into the hair are not permitted • Cuts into the eyebrow are not permitted • If hair is dyed, only hair colour is permitted • Students may be sent home if they have a hairstyle that the Headteacher feels is in appropriate for school Piercings • No body piercings including nose, tongue and eyebrows Jewellery • One single or one pair of small studs may be worn in the ear lobe. Aside from a watch and one small ring no other jewellery is to be worn to school. Jewellery may be confiscated if seen Summer Uniform (after Easter) In the summer term only (after Easter), students may wear the official white polo shirt with the school crest with black full length trousers, school skirt or official tailored shorts with school crest. If the weather is cool the polo shirt should be worn with the school jumper and/or blazer. Hoodies and sweatshirts are not permitted.

Physical Education Physical Education Kit Boys Girls Red & black games jersey with school crest Red PE top Black skort (skirt & shorts) with school crest Red PE top Black shorts from school stockist with school crest Black athletics shorts from school stockist with school crest Black leggings from school stockist with school crest Black football/rugby socks from school stocklist for Games lessons White sport socks for PE lessons Gum shield advised Black football/rugby socks from school stocklist for Games lessons White sport socks for PE lessons Gum shield advised Studded or moulded sole boots (Studded boots cannot be worn on the 3G pitch) Sports trainers, (not leisure/fashion trainers) Shin pads for football/hockey Studded or moulded sole boots (Studded boots cannot be worn on the 3G pitch) Sports trainers (not leisure/fashion trainers) Shin pads for football/hockey. Pupils needing to be excused PE on medical or other grounds must bring a letter from their parents to their teacher. Extended periods of non-participation will require a doctor’s note. The department operates an “All in kit” policy. This means that all pupils will bring and change into Cardiff High School Physical Education kit for all practical lessons. Pupils who are unable to participate physically during that lesson will be expected to change into kit and to develop their skills in other areas of the Physical Education curriculum such as leading, coaching and/or officiating. This policy enables all pupils to fully engage in each lesson despite injury or illness and to develop a wider set of skills. It will also prevent pupils who are excused getting wet or cold in their uniform. Any pupil who does not bring kit on 2 occasions will be placed in departmental detention and if necessary parents/carers will be contacted. • Games and PE lessons often take place outdoors in various weather conditions, there are a selection of optional items that can be purchased via YC Sport such as hoodies, jogging bottoms and beanie hats that can be worn. We do not allow pupils to wear non CHS items of clothing in lessons. • Pupils are not permitted to wear ‘fashion’ trainers that they wear as a part of their school uniform, they should bring a change of footwear that is appropriate to participate in sport. • Jewellery will not be permitted • Pupils with Asthma must ensure that they have their inhaler with them for all PE lessons and extra-curricular activities

General Information & School Rules Every community needs a structure in order to protect people and property and to ensure an efficient organisation. Parents are asked to make sure that their children are aware of these rules and procedures and also to support the school in their enforcement. Emergency Contacts It is essential that the school has the current details of an emergency contact for every pupil. Please make certain that this information is provided and kept up to date if, for example, mobile phone numbers or email addresses are changed. Safety The front entrance is on a very busy traffic route. Pupils are constantly reminded of the need for great care in crossing the roads and are particularly encouraged to use the Pelican Crossing on Llandennis Road. Parents can assist by reinforcing this rule and can help by not parking their cars in areas where the view of oncoming traffic can be obscured. Parents/Carers are particularly asked not to obstruct the front entrance by dropping off or collecting their children within the double yellow lines and also not to drive on to the school premises. Uniform Pupils in Year 7 - 13 are expected to wear school uniform (see uniform lists). Parents should ensure that all articles of clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name. All pupils are permitted to wear one small individual stud or one pair of small studs in the lobe of the ear. Aside from a watch and one small ring no other jewellery, badges or piercings are allowed. Appearance and Behaviour Every pupil is expected to take pride in his/her appearance and to uphold the good name of the school. This includes hairstyles which should avoid extremes of fashion in terms of style, cut and colour. Correct and full school uniform should be worn on the journeys both to and from school. Also, pupils’ behaviour when travelling to and from school should always be of a high standard. Conduct which brings the good name of the school into disrepute, may lead to disciplinary action, including, in very serious cases, exclusion. Pupils are not allowed to invite friends or visitors onto the school site without special permission from the Heads of School or Leadership Team. Textbooks and exercise books are the property of the school. They must be looked after properly and returned, as and when required. The school must be compensated by parents for any damage done by pupils to books or property. Detention Pupils are given 24 hours’ notice of an after-school detention and should inform their parents that they will be late from school on that particular day. Punctuality Pupils should be inside the school gates by 8.35am and are registered at 8.40am. School sessions end at 12.25pm and 3.10pm and pupils are expected to leave the premises by 3.20pm unless they are taking part in school activities. All pupils will be supervised whilst on the premises and within the times stated. Pupils will be given an after-school detention for unauthorised lateness. Absence Attendance at school is a legal requirement up to the age of sixteen. Permission for absence for any reason other than illness must be obtained from the Heads of School. Unauthorised absence is investigated by the school and in some cases by the Attendance Officer.

Absence Letters In the event of an absence from school, parents/carers will be notified by text or telephone by 11am, unless a message explaining the absence is received by the school. A letter of explanation or a telephone message is required from parents/carers for all absences (even if the absence is only half a day). Letters should be given to the Form Tutor during registration on the day of return to school. Explanations are needed because the school is required to report on its attendance records annually to the Welsh Government. Regulations introduced in 1991 established categories of absence that distinguish authorised absence - that which is for legitimate reasons - from unauthorised absence - for which no acceptable reason is offered. Holidays in Term Time At Cardiff High School, we have high ambitions for all students and want them to achieve success and realise their full potential. Excellent attendance and punctuality are crucial to achieving this. Cardiff Council has reviewed the impact of holidays taken in term-time and has consequently amended its policy on Extended Holidays. Families are requested to make arrangements to take these in the 6week break in July and August in order to help schools to support your child in achieving success. Headteachers are no longer able to authorise holiday related absences. The school is legally obliged to implement the Welsh Government policy of issuing a Fixed Term Penalty for term time absence and holidays. Regular attendance is important, not just because the law requires it, but also because it is the best way of ensuring that children get the most out of school. Please ensure that your child attends every day and is on time. If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the school to explain the absence by 9am, after which time you may be contacted by our Attendance Officer. Again, we are obliged to issue Fixed Term Penalty for unauthorised absences of 5 days and beyond or repeated lateness. Medical Facilities, Illness or Injury We have a fully equipped medical area at the school and a number of trained first aiders. The school also benefits from the services of a School Health Nurse who is on site at Cardiff High School at certain times during the week. She is available to support students in liaison with first aiders in the school. The School Health Nurse also liaises with school staff on issues related to general medical conditions, child protection and health promotion. Parents of all pupils are asked to provide information on the school registration form of any medical condition, past or present. e.g. epilepsy, haemophilia, hayfever. Prescribed medication may be stored in the First Aid room; however it must be administered by the pupil, under the supervision of the School First Aider. The School First Aider will not administer any forms of medication for pupils e.g. paracetamol tablets, except in a medical emergency. If a pupil is ill or injured, they should report to reception where they can be assessed by a first aider. If the pupil needs to go home, then a parent/carer will be contacted and asked to collect them. Sick or injured pupils will not be permitted to make their own way home. Medical Appointments Parents should inform Form Teachers about appointments in good time and every effort should be made for these to take place outside school hours or in holiday periods. If for any reason the pupil needs to leave the school site, e.g. dentist or doctor’s appointment, they must report to reception with an appointment card or letter from home. They will then be signed out. The school is not permitted to let any pupil go home without such an arrangement. Upon their return to school, pupils should report to reception to sign back in. This procedure is vital with regard to pupil safety in the event of an emergency.

Counselling Service As part of a whole school approach to support emotional health and well-being, the school offers both in house and local authority on-site counselling services. Pupils may be referred by a member of staff or they may self-refer. Parental consent is not required for pupils to access this service. The school also offers a nurture facility for pupils. This may support pupils returning to school following a lengthy absence and pupils in need of additional pastoral support. Achievement leaders can provide additional information should the need arise. The school also employs the services of an animal assisted therapist. PE Pupils needing to be excused from PE on medical or other grounds must bring a letter from their parents/carers to the Head of the PE Department. Extended periods of non-participation will require a doctor’s note. The department operates an “All in kit” policy. This means that all pupils will bring and change into Cardiff High School Physical Education kit for all practical lessons. Pupils who are unable to participate physically during that lesson will be expected to change into kit and to develop their skills in other areas of the Physical Education curriculum such as leading, coaching and / or officiating. This policy enables all pupils to fully engage in each lesson despite injury or illness and to develop a wider set of skills. It will also prevent pupils who are excused getting wet or cold in their uniform. Any pupil who does not bring kit on 2 occasions will be placed in departmental detention (B3) and if necessary, parents/carers will be contacted. PE hoodies are available to purchase through the PE Department but should only be worn during sporting activities or trips. Lunchtime Arrangements School meals are provided in the school canteen, alternatively pupils may bring in their own packed lunch to eat in designated areas. Parents in doubt about the eligibility of their children for free meals should seek advice from Pupil Services on Cardiff 2087 2926 or Free school meals ( Cardiff High School operates a Cashless Biometric Catering service. The Trust-e Cashless Catering System provided by Nationwide Retail Systems Ltd. reduces queues at lunch time, provides anonymous free school meals to eligible pupils and allows dinner money to be pre-paid. The system will also allow pupils to pre-order items for lunch thereby reducing queue times and allowing them to customise some meal options. From September 2013, the school, in line with Welsh government regulations, has become fully Appetite for Life compliant in its menu and the food options available to pupils. Pupils are expected to carry out instructions by staff and ancillary helpers appointed for their safety. The school reserves the right to suspend pupils from having school meals if there is evidence of any serious misbehavior. Pupils in Years 7 - 11 are to remain on the school premises during school hours, including lunchtimes unless special permission or an exit permit has been given by the Leadership Team. Lunchtime Exit Permits are issued on the strict basis that pupils go straight home for lunch and then return directly to school in time for the afternoon session. Pupils are not permitted to visit the local shops at lunchtime. Exit permits are granted only in response to a letter of application addressed to the Deputy Headteacher – Mrs. Yarrow or the Assistant Headteacher - Mrs. M. Bennett and accompanied by a passport photograph. If parents seek permission for their children to leave, it must be emphasised that, once pupils are outside the gate, the school accepts no responsibility for their safety - they leave the premises entirely at their own risk.

The Library The Library is open every day before school from 8.15am, at break and lunchtime and also after school until 4pm. Pupils can use this as a place to work, research or use the IT facilities. There is a chess club run every day and a careers event organised each term. Please refer to the Cardiff High website for details of events. On-line Learning & Resources –MyMaths and Accelerated Reader MyMaths and Accelerated Reader are on-line resources available for Cardiff High pupils to access in order to research topics, revise and consolidate subject matter and record instances of reading. Details about how to access these resources are provided by subject teachers in school. Homework At Cardiff High School, homework is used where appropriate to extend learning opportunities beyond the classroom. Work undertaken outside school is an important part of a pupil’s learning journey and the responsibility for completing tasks belongs with pupils. Work is not set for the sake of filling time or as a matter of routine e.g. on a weekly basis. The work a student is asked to complete outside of school is carefully selected in order to sustain interest, promote good learning habits and to extend a pupil’s knowledge and understanding. Students are encouraged to discuss their work with parents, carers and guardians. A variety of tasks may be set such as: • Researching a topic • Making notes • Reading • Drawing charts or diagrams • Watching a program/clip • Interviewing people • Sketching • Presenting material • Thinking about a dilemma. • Preparing for the next lesson Personal Property Valuable property should not be left in classrooms. Lost property should be handed in to the General Office and enquiries about mislaid property should be made at that office. Whilst every effort is made to trace lost property, the school does not accept responsibility for any missing items. Spontaneous Visits The Governors have approved a school policy on educational visits of a spontaneous nature. Normally, these are visits that take place in the immediate locality of the school because of particularly fortuitous circumstances. All such visits are cleared by the school’s management. Parents of new pupils are asked to give their general written consent for these visits, as part of the school registration procedure.

Pupil Planner Each pupil in years 7 to 11 is issued with a school planner at the start of term. Pupils use their planner to record homework and to note down reminders about important dates or events. There are reference sections in the planner containing important information and resources to support pupils’ learning, for example word lists and a whiteboard at the back of the planner. The planner may also used by teachers to record information. The planner is a vital means of communication between parents and teachers and we request that it is reviewed and signed by parents on a weekly basis. Pupils must bring their planner to school every day and should place it on their desks at the start of each lesson. Out of Hours Activities These are under the supervision of teachers and may take place at lunchtime or at the end of afternoon school. Pupils must stay in the designated area for the activity and are not permitted to go elsewhere on the school site on these occasions unless specifically authorised to do so by a teacher. Fire Precautions Pupils are expected to obey all regulations currently in practice in the school. Fire drills take place at regular intervals. Deliberate misuse of the fire alarm will be treated as a very serious misdemeanor and may result in exclusion. Other Information & Regulations • Lockers are available for pupils in Year 7 • Bike racks are available at the front of the school • Toilet facilities are available at various locations in the school including those with disabled access • Cigarettes, e-cigarettes, alcohol, illegal drugs and other substances which could be deemed potentially harmful are banned from the school site. If found, they will be confiscated and returned to parents or given to the police as appropriate. The school will apply appropriate sanctions and the police will be informed of any criminal activities • Any behaviour of a pupil which is deemed to be unsociable and below the standard expected of Cardiff High School students will lead to appropriate sanctions and in serious cases temporary or permanent exclusion • Pupils are expected to follow any other rules introduced from time to time by school staff for their safety and welfare

EXPECTATIONS DISGWYLIADAU BE PREPARED FOR LEARNING: BYDDWCH YN BAROD I DDYSGU Ensure you have all the necessary equipment and books for your lessons and arrive to lessons on time ready to learn. Gwnewch yn siwr fod eich holl offer a’ch llyfrau gyda chi. Byddwc ar amser ac yn barod I ddysgu. BE POLITE AND COURTEOUS: BYDDWCH YN GWRTAIS Ensure you listen, follow instructions and show respect to staff and fellow students at all times. Also respect the school environment. Cofiwch wrando gan ddilyn cyfarwyddiadau. Dangoswch barch at staff a’ch cyd-fyfywyr. Parchwch eich Ysgol hefyd. BE ORGANISED: BYDDWCH YN DREFNUS Ensure you use your planner to organise your time. Complete all work set by the deadlines given. Defnyddiwch eich dyddiadur I drefnu eich amser. Gorffenwch eich holl waith ar amser. BE YOUR BEST: BYDDWCH AR EICH GORAU Ensure you make every effort to complete all class and homework to the best of your ability. Gwnewch eich gorau glas i orffen eich gwaith cartref a’ch gwaith dosbarth I’ch safon goraw posib. BE CORRECTLY DRESSED: BYDDWCH WEDI GWISGO’N GYWIR Take pride in your appearance and ensure you wear your FULL school uniform at all times. Gwisgwch wisg Ysgol gyflawn bob amser.

Merits Rewards Merits are awarded at the discretion of the teacher. They are recorded in class charts and tracked on the school database, Achievement certificates are awarded during assembly when a pupil reaches 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 (Deputy Headteacher Commendation) and 250 merits (Headteacher Commendation). Achievement Postcards There are a number of departments who have their own achievement postcards and there are also general achievement postcards which have been designed by pupils. These postcards can be used at the discretion of staff and are intended to reward pupils for academic achievement as well as any other valid reason eg, sustained effort, commitment to clubs or societies, improvement in attitude, overcoming adversity, going the extra mile to name a few. Consequences Failure to conform to the classroom expectations will lead to a reprimand and warning of consequences should the behaviour continue. Continued poor behaviour is noted in the planner using the codes below: B1 Formal reprimand B2 Discussion about behaviour at the end of lesson/breaktime B3 Departmental sanctions (eg referral to head of department, detention) B4 Referral to Achievement Leader. Formal half hour school detention B5 Senior Staff one-hour detention Referral to Achievement Leader For continual discipline problems a pupil may be referred to the Achievement Leader. The Achievement Leader may issue a reprimand or a detention; in addition they may implement discussion with parents, and/or a daily report/contract system as appropriate. Referral to Head of School Serious incidents will be referred by the Achievement Leader to the Head of School who will decide course of action after consultation with all staff concerned. A Senior Staff Detention known as a B5 is operated weekly and should this sanction need to be imposed a subsequent parental interview will be arranged. Referral to the Assistant and/or Deputy Headteacher (Wellbeing & Achievement) This course of action may be taken when the Head of School feels that the matter warrants serious disciplinary action. In such cases the Deputy Headteacher (Wellbeing and Achievement) may refer to the Headteacher who has the right to exclude students from school. Exclusions/Restorative Room There are two categories of exclusions – Fixed term or Permanent. In each case parents will be provided with details including the category or length of the exclusion, the reason and also regarding their right to make representation to the governors and the Local Education Authority. The Governing Body and Local Education Authority must also be informed. Pupils may be asked to spend a day in the restorative room. Here pupils will reflect on poor behaviour and realise its impact whilst restoring relationships in a bid to improve future behaviour.

The Restorative Approach Cardiff High School advocates a restorative approach to discipline. This has effectively enhanced our Discipline With Dignity Policy. We feel that Restorative Justice helps create a more harmonious learning environment, encouraging students to self-regulate their own behaviour and learning. Schools that use a restorative approach to behaviour management have found that they need to exclude less and that incidents of poor behaviour have decreased. Restorative Justice approaches in Cardiff High School may include holding conferences between the perpetrator and the victim with a mediator, restorative approaches by staff and Circle Time/Check In and Out with form tutors. Conferences can be used for the most serious incidents of bullying or victimisation to reduce the use of exclusions or, when exclusions cannot be avoided, to support the successful reintegration of the excluded student. School staff may also use restorative approaches more informally in dealing with behaviour problems. Form tutors support their tutees by exploring the language of restorative approaches. Restorative approaches at Cardiff High School are based on four key features: RESPECT – for everyone by listening to other opinions andlearning to value them RESPONSIBILTY - taking responsibility for your own actions REPAIR – developing the skills within our school community so that its individual members have the necessary skills to identify solutions that repair harm and ensure behaviours are not repeated RE-INTEGRATION - working through a structured, supportive process that aims to solve the problem and allows young people to remain in mainstream education

Parents’ Meetings Parents’ Evenings It is obviously important that parents and carers are kept fully informed about the progress of their children. It is normal practice for parents’ evenings to be held for all age groups once a year. The dates of parents’ evenings can be found in the school calendar. A letter will be sent to parents at least one week before the scheduled meeting providing relevant details. Other Parental Interviews The school is keen to involve parents throughout the academic year and parental interviews can take place any time. However, unless it is a matter of some urgency, interviews should be arranged in advance, by telephone, email or letter. Parents will appreciate that most staff have a full teaching commitment throughout the week and, as a general rule, interviews with individual subject teachers are not encouraged. Staff to See Achievement Leaders - deal in the first instance with achievement related, social or pastoral issues within their year group. Curriculum Leaders - are available to see parents regarding academic issues relating to a subject. Heads of School - are available to see parents when concerns or problems relate to more than one-year group, when situations have not been resolved or when a serious problem arises. The Deputy Headteacher Mrs. Yarrow and Assistant Headteacher Mrs. Bennett (Wellbeing and Achievement) – has oversight for the Pastoral Team and is available to see parents when other channels have failed to reach a satisfactory conclusion. All new admissions and departures are dealt with by the Senior Leader, Wellbeing and Achievement. The vast majority of issues will be resolved by liaison with the above people, however the Deputy Headteachers and the Headteacher are available to see parents. Should you wish to see them a pre-arranged appointment is advisable, and this should be made by contacting the Headteacher’s Personal Assistant, Mrs. Helen Jones. Please refer to the Staying in Touch Page at the start of this prospectus for contact details of key members of staff.

Policy Outline Information Admissions Policy The school’s Standard Admission Number from September 2011 was revised to 240 pupils divided into eight forms. The catchment area serving the school is the combined catchment areas of the four partner primary schools, Rhydypenau, Lakeside, Roath Park and Marlborough. Pupils who live within this area will normally be allocated places at this school. Places are assigned in March by the Education Authority but parents are permitted the right of appeal against the Authority’s decision. The majority of these appeals are examined by an Appeals Sub-Committee, and usually resolved by the end of June. Parental choice of schools operates in a limited way in Cardiff County i.e. pupils can be admitted into a high school even if parents live outside the traditional catchment area. This is only possible where Headteachers have spaces available. Further Information regarding admissions can be obtained from Pupil and Student Services at Cardiff County Council 20872840. Child Protection Cardiff High School has as its priority, the protection and wellbeing of all pupils in the school. The school has a detailed Child Protection policy (available on request) an outline of which is provided below. The Headteacher has overall responsibility for child protection matters. The Deputy Headteacher (Wellbeing and Achievement) Mrs. A Yarrow, is the designated senior person responsible for child protection. Deputy Headteacher Mr. S Thompson and Assistant Headteacher Mrs. M. Bennett, are the deputy Child Protection Officers. Mrs. Bennett also has responsibility for Looked After Children. These members of the Leadership Group act as a source of advice and support regarding child protection matters for all other school staff. Our school also has a nominated child protection governor, who must ensure that the school has a child protection policy in place which is consistent with the All Wales Child Protection Procedures (2008). All staff must act according to this policy where there are concerns about or suspicions of child abuse. If we receive information about a child which suggests that he/she has been abused or is at risk of being abused, we have a duty to refer these concerns to the social services department or the police without delay. We have no discretion in this matter. Charges for School Activities Under the 1988 Education Reform Act the school is no longer empowered to insist on a direct charge for each activity, but we are permitted to ask for voluntary contributions of the full cost. The law now requires us to ensure that no child is excluded from trips arranged wholly or mainly in school hours because parents have not made a voluntary contribution. However, we must make it clear that no funds exist for this type of activity, and if parents who wish their child to take part do not make voluntary contributions of the full cost, trips will be cancelled. (Parents who receive Income Support or Family Credit, or if there are any other special circumstances should contact the organiser for further information)

Relationships and Sexuality Education The Governors’ policy on relationships and sexuality education is based on helping pupils to understand its importance as they prepare for adult life. It is given careful and sensitive treatment and taught to all pupils. Relationships and sexuality education is in accordance with section 71 of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021 and the statutory guidance issued in the Relationships and Sexuality Education Code. This helps pupils to form and maintain a range of relationships, all based on mutual trust and respect which are fully inclusive and reflect diversity. Pupils understand the physical changes that take place growing up and the possible impact on their well-being of the decisions they make relating to sexual health and relationships, equipping them with the means to access available support if needed. For further information regarding the policy please contact the school. Religious Education Religious Education teaching is based on the Cardiff County Agreed Syllabus. The underlying approach is essentially Christian, but the teaching has regard for the multi-faith nature of the school’s pupils and seeks at all times to achieve an appropriate balance in the study of religion. Students gain an understanding of the main beliefs in Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and Islam. Religious Education is compulsory at both Key Stage 3 and 4. At Key Stage 4, Religious Studies is available as an option subject. Welsh Welsh is taught as a National Curriculum non-core subject and is compulsory at both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. At Key Stage 4. At Key Stage 4 it is studied as a full GCSE. Learning Support The school’s policy on Additional learning needs is to provide support and help for all pupils who need to overcome educational difficulties; however, they are caused. These difficulties embrace many aspects including difficulties accessing the curriculum (for example with literacy and numeracy), physical, social, psychological, emotional and behavioral difficulties. Special arrangements for meeting the needs of such pupils include making class sizes smaller whenever resources allow, providing support teaching in some subjects and extra literacy and numeracy sessions, some with specialist teachers. Pupils with statements of Additional Learning or IDP’s Needs are fully included in school life and the curriculum. Statements and IDP’s are reviewed annually. All pupils are encouraged to take an active part in school life, to experience the widest possible curriculum opportunities and supported to feel safe and secure within the school community.

Equal Opportunities The curriculum and all aspects of school life are founded on a rejection of discrimination against pupils and staff on grounds of gender, disability, race, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity or culture. Each of these categories features prominently in the school’s curriculum; in particular through the Health and Wellbeing Area. This is supported through staff inset and pupil lead assemblies. Further details are to be found in the School’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Disability Access Statement Cardiff High School works with a policy regarding access for disabled people to the school buildings and the curriculum. This policy is governed by and is intended to comply with legislation up to the Equality Act 2010. The implications of this Act cover all aspects of the use of the school for pupils and staff, Adult Education users and all other visitors. The AIMS of the school’s policy are: • To improve access to the school’s curricular and extra-curricular activities for pupils with disabilities and special educational needs • To improve the provision of information to disabled pupils and those with special educational needs • To improve physical access to the school’s facilities and the environment within, for all disabled people requiring the use of the facilities It is intended that staff, pupils, families and carers will continue to be involved in deciding the school’s approach to this issue. For information on the practice of the policy please contact the school. Careers and The World of Work Natalie Lewis ( is the Careers Advisor for Cardiff High. She is available for pupils during school time on designated days and also attends the relevant parents’ evenings and open evenings throughout the year. Advice and guidance can be provided in relation to: - • Year 9 option choice • Year 11 choices about further full-time study, jobs or apprenticeships • Year 12 and Year 13 choices about going to university, getting a job/modern apprenticeshipor taking a gap year • Anyone unsure about their next step in education or employment In addition, Careers in Focus weeks are regularly organised in our Learning Resource Centre and provides a wealth of information to pupils in all key stages to assist them with making choices and planning their future. The website provides information on choices, courses, career ideas, jobs and apprenticeships in Wales and is tailored to the needs of both parents and pupils.

Curriculum Governors’ Policy on The Curriculum The Governors have adopted a policy on the curriculum that requires it to be broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated which embraces the Curriculum for Wales Framework. This includes the requirement to teach the mandatory elements, Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) and Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) in addition to Careers and Work-Related Education. Curriculum for Wales Schools are required to provide pupils with a curriculum that: • is balanced and broadly based • promotes their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development in line with the core principles as set out in the Four Purposes within Curriculum for Wales • prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life • includes, the six areas of learning and experience which encompasses the 27 statements of what matters alongside cross-curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence • provides appropriate learning progression in accordance with the principles set out in the Welsh Government’s Progression Code • provide for learning and teaching that accords with the RSE Code and is developmentally appropriate for their learners • provide learners with the learning and teaching of RVE that accords with curriculum design requirements Schools have discretion to develop the whole curriculum to reflect their particular contexts and needs. The Curriculum for Wales and National Curriculum is currently organized as follows: • Primary education for pupils aged 5 to 11 following the Curriculum for Wales • Secondary education: • Year 7 and 8 pupils follow Curriculum for Wales (first teaching September 2022) • Years 9 to 11 follow National Curriculum, organized into: • Key Stage 3 (secondary) for pupils aged 11 to 14 (Year 9 only) • Key Stage 4 (secondary) for pupils aged 14 to 16 (Years 10 and 11) National Curriculum Subjects Curriculum for Wales is organized into six Areas: o Expressive Arts including Art, Drama and Music o Health and Wellbeing including Physical Education and Personal Development, which includes elements of the RSE framework o Humanities including Geography, History and Religion & Philosophy, integrating the RVE o Languages, Literacy and Communication including English, French and Welsh o Mathematics and Numeracy o Science and Technology including Computation and Digital Technology, Design & Technology and Science Assessment & Reporting Booklets providing detailed information and guidance regarding matters of assessment and reporting are produced for each Key Stage. These are issued to parents as paper copies and are also available via the school website.

Curriculum Years 7, 8 and 9 Pupils pursue a common curriculum. Additional support is provided by the Additional Needs Department. Years 10 and 11 During the Spring Term pupils in Year 9 choose options which follow their most appropriate Learning Pathway for Key Stage 4. Students are guided through this important process and will be provided with detailed subject information on courses at Cardiff High School. A Year 9 parents evening provides parents and pupils with an opportunity to discuss their subject choices. Similar guidance is also organised for Year 11 pupils to assist them in making decisions about their post-16 plans.

Curriculum KS3 & KS4 Summary 2023-2024 Number of Lesson per fortnight is given in brackets. Based on a 50-period fortnight Area of Learning Experience Subject discipline Year 7 Expressive Arts Art Drama Music Health and Wellbeing Health & wellbeing -including physical education Humanities Geography History Religion and Philosophy Languages, Literacy and Communication English French Welsh Mathematics and Numeracy Mathematics & numeracy Science and Technology Computation & Digital Technology Design & Technology Science Year 8 Expressive Arts Art Drama Music Health and Wellbeing Health & wellbeing including physical education Humanities Geography History Religion and Philosophy Languages, Literacy and Communication English French Welsh Mathematics and Numeracy Mathematics & numeracy Science and Technology Computation & Digital Technology Design & Technology including food Science KS3 Core Subjects Non-core Subjects Year 9 English Mathematics Science Games RP Art Design and Technology History IT Geography Music Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Welsh KS4 Core/Compulsory subjects GCSE English – Language & Literature GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy & Mathematics GCSE Science (Dual or Triple Award) GCSE Welsh Games [Non-Assessed] Religion & Philosophy [Non-Assessed]

KS4 Option Subjects Art Business Product Design Digital Technology Drama Economics French Geography History Computer Science Media Studies Music Physical Education Religious Studies Triple Science Skills Challenge Certificate Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (COPE) Qualification Plus (Q+) Curriculum KS5 Summary 2023-2024 KS5 Inyear 12most students study towards4ASsubjects. In Year 13 students continue with three subjects to Advanced Level. Art Biology Business Chemistry Computer Science Digital Technology Economics English Literature French Geography History Law Mathematics Further Mathematics Media Studies Music Physics Physical Education Product Design Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Theatre Studies Welsh Welsh Bac Skills Challenge Certificate Please note that subjects offered and combinations available may vary from year to year dependent upon student uptake

Staff Lists 2023 – 2024 The Leadership Team Headteacher Mr. Stephen Jones Deputy Headteacher Mr. Simon Thompson Deputy Headteacher Mrs. Allison Yarrow Assistant Headteacher (Performance & Standards) Mrs. Heather Lewis Assistant Headteacher (Learning & Teaching) Mr. Simon Taylor Assistant Headteacher (Learning & Teaching) Mrs. Samantha Eaton Assistant Headteacher (ITE & Curriculum) Mr. James Wise Assistant Headteacher (Data, Standards & Learning and Teaching) Mrs. Emily Greenwood Assistant Headteacher (Achievement and Wellbeing) Mrs. Michelle Bennett Business Manager Mrs. Debbie Macho

Staff Lists 2023 – 2024 The Wider Leadership Team Head of Lower School Mrs. Lowri Richards Head of Middle School Mr. David Rhodes Head of Upper School Mrs. Kath Dilks The Achievement Teams Achievement Leader Y7 Mrs. Laura Waters Achievement Leader Y8 Mrs. Laura Waters / Mrs. Karen Price Achievement Leader Y9 Mrs. Lucy Jenkins Assistant Achievement Leader KS3 Mrs. Beth Simons Achievement Leader Y10 Miss Nia Warren Achievement Leader Y11 / Assistant Achievement Leader Mr. David Rhodes / Mrs. Rachel James Achievement Leader Y12 & Y13 Mr. Mike Olsen Assistant Achievement Leader KS5 Mrs. Rhian Morgan Wellbeing & Achievement Officer KS3 Mrs. Karen Price Wellbeing & Achievement Officer KS4 / Attendance Officer Mrs. Karen Holmes Wellbeing & Achievement Officer KS5 Mrs. Elizabeth Jones

Staff Lists 2023 – 2024 ENGLISH & MEDIA MATHEMATICS SCIENCE Ms Nancy Mason (Curriculum Leader) Ms Helen Davies Mrs. Michelle Bennett Ms Deborah Jones (Curriculum Leader Media) Mr. Ben Poole Mr. Jack Desambrois Mrs. Sam Eaton Mrs. Lowri Richards Ms Rachel Roberts Mrs. Beth Simons Miss Nia Parry Mrs. Laura Lleision-Jones Mr. Christopher Lynch Miss Carys Davies Mr. Jack Nicol (Curriculum Leader) Miss Rebecca Ayres (2nd in Dept) Mrs. Emily Greenwood Mrs. Charlotte Fenwick Mr. Ian Barnsley Ms Rosie Foreman Mr. Kenton Friedl Mrs. Lucy Jenkins Mrs. Catherine Jones Mrs. Heather Lewis Miss Jessica Miller Mrs. Sarah Phillips Mrs. Catherine Russell Mr. David Rhodes Miss Emily Salt Mr. Jamie Stevens Mr. Simon Taylor Mr. Tyler Davies Ms Rhian Thomas Ms Laura John Mrs. Gosia Jones Mrs. Caroline Grennan (Curriculum Leader Science) Dr. Amy Reddington (Curriculum Leader Biology) Dr. Shane Henry (Curriculum Leader Chemistry) Mrs. Rebecca Best (Curriculum Leader of Physics) Mr. Rodney Davis Mr. Owain Hughes Mr. Lloyd Jenkins Mrs. Nadia Lewis Mr. Josh Maddocks Mrs. Hannah Godfrey Mr. Anthony Toye Miss Ruby Williams Mr. Sebastian Zabilowicz Miss Alexandra Clorley

Staff Lists 2023 – 2024 ART BUSINESS/ECONOMICS DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Mrs. Hannah Penny (Curriculum Leader) Mrs. Sarah Davies Mr Alex Williams (Curriculum Leader) Miss Natalie Jones Mrs. Katie Rees Mr. Simon Thompson Miss Sophie Marlow Mr. Liam Powell (Curriculum Leader) Mr. Rob Griffiths Mrs. Rhian Morgan Miss Marie Stacey Miss Emma Hastings DRAMA GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Mr. Ian Miles (Curriculum Leader) Mrs. Sian Evans (Curriculum Leader) Mrs. Kath Dilks Mr. Joseph Jones Miss Rachel Perkins Mrs. Jo Toye (Curriculum Leader) Mrs. Gill Olsen Mr. Mike Olsen Mrs. Alison Venn Miss Nia Warren Mr. James Wise ADVANCED SKILLS BACC WALES DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER SCIENCE LAW Mrs. Emma Tumelty (Curriculum Leader) Mrs. Kath Dilks Mr. Gareth Bills Mr. John Amer Miss Stefanie James Mrs. Emma Tumelty (Curriculum Leader) MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES MUSIC PE Ms Amanda Hales (Curriculum Leader French) Mrs. Natalie Adams Miss Stephanie Cuff Mr. Alex Revill-Hivet Mr. David Leggett (Curriculum Leader) Mrs. Sophie Faria Miss Hedydd Edge Mr. David Curnow (Curriculum Leader) Mr. Huw Lewis Mr. Joe Rowlands Miss Alys Habberfield Mrs. Rachel James Miss Olivia Williams PSYCOLOGY RELIGION & PHILOSOPHY ADDITIONAL LEARNING NEEDS Mrs. Danielle Kidd (Curriculum Leader) Miss Nia Warren Ms Beth Yarrow Mrs. Lisa James (Curriculum Leader) Mrs. Laura Waters Ms Maeve Dolan ALNCo Miss Hannah Williams Assistant ALNCo SOCIOLOGY WELSH Mr. James Wise (Curriculum Leader) Miss Nia Warren Ms Beth Yarrow Mrs. Lona Evans (Curriculum Leader) Mrs. Kath Normansell Miss Gwen Morgan Ms Rachel Hill